Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Vanilla Cupcakes

Hiiiiiiiiiiiii! So, how’s life going? It’s going well, err no, it’s a bit flat and boring. See, this blog turns into my personal blog after I passed my subject last semester hehehe. Oh yeah, now I’m in the 3rd semester, it means no longer MABA :’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’(

Well, this post is about my first homemade cupcakes :D. A few days ago, I baked my very first vanilla cupcakes! It was fun woohooooooo. It was so easy to make and the ingredients were so easy to get. I bought all the stuff at Avia. You know what, I changed the lemon zest with manisan lemon hahaha it’s chewy and has strong flavor. It’s more like yuppie sih.  So here it’s the photos

They didn’t look too bad, did they? Hahaha. I over baked a few of them, so they were a bit dry. Oh, and the butter cream was way too sweet, but I love the smoothness. I just love, love, and LOVE cooking! Especially baking any kind of cakes. Am going to try making banana bread for the next experiment. Wish me luck!

Finally, I figured out what my passion is... I want to be a great baker! Yeah! I’m feeling happy and super excited when it comes to cooking. On the future, I will have my own bakery shop. I want it to be so homey, comfy, and cozy. I want to create a private bond between the cakes and the eaters. Hahaha Bismillah!